
Clean up Australia Day 2023

Once again our BE Campbell team pitched in for Clean Up Australia day and making Step Up pledges. Employees eliminated litter along the footpath of the busy industrial street at Head Office in Wetherill Park. The inspiration of Clean Up Australia day’s Step Up pledges encouraged our wider staff team to consider what actions they could pledge for positive change in their everyday actions. The BE Campbell Sustainability Manager Katrina Boyd said, “One of our production team trainers shared how the 10c rebate drink containers have provided an avenue for her collect and use the funds to support relatives overseas. It really stood out to me that collectively all our small actions work together to make a big difference – her family overseas are better supported, containers are not littering our environment, there is less waste going to landfill here and recycling is rewarded. Then with everyone’s actions like this put together we transform our communities to make a positive impact.”

How can you Step Up?

Clean up Australia Day pledge wall

